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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
List of non-human animals with publications on their genome projects as of 2012 Metazoa animals Table - link Mb 112712 Luting Song & Wen Wang...
Number of animals in which the ability to walk on water has independently evolved Metazoa animals >1200 species 116189 Mammola S, Michalik P...
Number of microRNA genes conserved across bilaterian animals (value in article is 39, see comments section) Metazoa animals ~41 genes 114542 Fromm et al. A Uniform...
Junctional delays and receptor latencies Metazoa animals Table - link N/A 110598 Theodore Holmes Bullock...
Numbers of nerve cell nuclei in main ganglia of three species of rotifers Metazoa animals Table - link nerve cell nuclei 110600 Theodore Holmes Bullock...
Velocities of propagation of excitation in some coelenterates Metazoa animals Table - link N/A 110599 Theodore Holmes Bullock...
Annelid giant through-conduction systems Metazoa animals Table - link N/A 110601 Theodore Holmes Bullock...
Properties of excitation in nerve cells and fibers Metazoa animals Table - link N/A 110595 Theodore Holmes Bullock...
Resting and spike potentials Metazoa animals Table - link N/A 110596 Theodore Holmes Bullock...
Speed of fastest animal (peregrine falcon, Falco peregrinus in stoop) Metazoa animals >320 km/hour 112867 Ponitz B, Schmitz A,...
Velocity of conduction of nerve impulses in selected cases Metazoa animals Table - link N/A 110597 Theodore Holmes Bullock...
Biophysical and physiological parameters used in simulations (squid axon and mammalian pyramidal cell) Metazoa animals Table - link N/A 109242 Faisal AA, White JA,...
Chronogram for divergence of Bilateria (scroll down below figure to see table) Metazoa animals Table - link million years ago (Ma) 117103 Gregory D. Edgecombe et al....
Time when the metazoan toolkit of conserved functional components and processes first arised in evolution Metazoa animals Table - link years ago 117011 Gerhart J, Kirschner...
Number of bacterial species-level and genus-level operational taxonomic units (OTUs) in human and worm & phylotype number in termite Metazoa animals species-level OTUs in human ~1,000: genus-level OTUs in worm 832: phylotypes in termite hindgut 216 OTUs/phylotypes per individual 113942 Shapira M. Gut Microbiotas...
Diameter of myelinated and unmyelinated axons in central nervous system (CNS) (but size spectra of myelinated and unmyelinated axons overlap considerably) Metazoa animals myelinated 0.2: unmyelinated ≤0.8 µm 114487 Hildebrand C, Remahl S...
Proportion of species that hybridize Metazoa animals 1 - 10 % 113468 Yakimowski SB, Rieseberg...
Ionic concentrations inside and outside squid axon and mammalian muscle cell Metazoa animals Table - link N/A 103650 C.U.M. Smith Biology...
Standard screening threshold of sequence difference in cytochrome c oxidase I (COI) gene to define different species Metazoa animals 10 × (times) average intraspecific difference 113002 Hebert PD, Stoeckle MY...
Diameter of smallest axons in the central nervous system Metazoa animals ~0.1 µm 110608 Harvey A. Swadlow and...